Antonio Arocho Hernández
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The real-shoes as a medium, a bridge, in between this reality and the other. It was intended to be something easy to wear while maintaining the same height.  The Vive Tracker needed a stable place, equidistant and not compromised by the shape or size of the foot and removable, so the user could use it in this world and whenever he wanted to explore the virtual world. So it was placed in the front. 

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Janus VR Tracking Boots

Janus VR Tracking Boots

My Virtual Reality tracking boots are the real-shoes that blend this world with the worlds in Virtual Reality. Using the HTC Vive Trackers to walk and explore the footwear in Virtual Reality. These boots let the user explore, walk and see the Hyperreal Collection in the Virtual Reality worlds. All done by hand, from heels to the uppers.

Dive into The Hyperreal Collection Experience - Antonio Arocho

Video Presentation of the Hyperreal Collection presentation with the VR Tracking Boots during the London Design Festival. Having size 38, 39, 40, the users could walk in and experience the collection first hand. Special thanks to Emily Cohrt for modelling and Sophie Boyer in the Filming.

 The HTC Vive Tracker is removable, letting the boots to be used in and out of Virtual Reality. The Janus VR Tracking Boots are on the  Virtual Shoe Museum  and winner of two Silver Awards in the  Global Footwear Awards  2020.

The HTC Vive Tracker is removable, letting the boots to be used in and out of Virtual Reality. The Janus VR Tracking Boots are on the Virtual Shoe Museum and winner of two Silver Awards in the Global Footwear Awards 2020.



Making reference to New Materialism Theory, the structural material for the heel and frontal piece are showcased as an aesthetic highlight.

Presentation - Royal College of Art

Presentation - Royal College of Art

Invited to Present the Virtual Reality Experience for the MA students

 Student trying the experience

Student trying the experience

 London, 2019

London, 2019

VR Experience - Entrance

VR Experience - Entrance

Through out the experience, spoken word was used to introduce the new world that the user will encounter.



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