Antonio Arocho Hernández

Blue, the beginning


Blue is a speculative in-progress project. Investigates water as a medium for seeking different aspects of reality, while deep-diving into the meaning of “feeling blue”. Presented in Virtual Reality.

The Rebirth

The Beginning


The renaissance of Blue. Exploring fluids in shoes as we start to walk in virtual worlds.


Looking through the layers of reality. Shapes change form and reveal themselves. Studies of Blue with Nada, the Twisted Mule.


Another view on Nada, the twisted mule. Studies in 3D of fluids, lights and transformation



 Nada, the twisted mule, reveals her new form. Between the layers of reality, we #diveintothehyperreal

Nada, the twisted mule, reveals her new form. Between the layers of reality, we #diveintothehyperreal

blue 3 water experiement2.1.jpg
blue 3 water experiement.155.jpg
blue 3 water experiement2.20.jpg
blue 3 water experiement.154.jpg